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Project Overview

Trace & Trust Hubs for MED food

MED Food TTHubs is a PRIMA project that seeks to support the implementation of full-path tracing practices through the whole distribution channel from seed to shelf in order to achieve safer and more sustainable Mediterranean food products for people all around the world.

Aiming to implement full transparency concerning the traceability and authenticity in the food supply sector, MED Food TTHubs taps into cutting edge technologies and “Internet of Things” (IoT) solutions and builds on standardised approaches to food production processes and location identification, transparent monitoring procedures and innovative business partnerships.

Therefore, MED Food TTHubs establishes and operates seven pilot Trace & Trust Hubs forming a transnational network playing the role of a one-stop-shop for traceability and authenticity for “added value” Mediterranean food products.

Staff members
Duration (months)

MED Food TTHubs is a PRIMA project that seeks to support the implementation of full-path tracing practices through the whole distribution channel from seed to shelf in order to achieve safer and more sustainable Mediterranean food products for people all around the world.


Co-ordination and management
Project, Technical, Scientific, Risk and Quality Coordination, knowledge management and IPR
leader: CERTH


Critical & requirements analysis of traceability & authenticity control system
To map in details the whole current status in the involved countries concerning the level of traceability and authenticity controls in the food sector
leader: ENG


Development of integrated framework for traceability and authenticity control of Mediterranean food products
Common Authentication & Quality Assurance Protocol based on genetic/ genomic approaches | Voluntary Scheme of Traceability for MED foods based on documented authentication of products
leader: CERTH


Design & Development of an e-Platform for traceability and authenticity control
Design & develop a user-friendly web-based platform based on a blockchain technology to support traceability process, authentication & quality assurance & nutritional profile of Mediterranean food products
leader: GP


Stakeholders/ end-users’ preparation & adaptation for traceability and authenticity control system
Preparation of stakeholders and end-users to be adapted for using traceability and authenticity control procedures through the Med Food TTHUBs e-platform
leader: TCA


Pilot operation of the traceability and authenticity control Med Food TTHUBs
The applicability of the developed Med Food TTHubs e-Platform and respective components’ efficiency by implementing them in real-world scenario will be tested
leader: ESIM


Business model development & Exploitation
Establishment of a set of real-world business models related to traceability and authenticity control using the experience of the pilot operation of the Hubs
leader: JUST


Dissemination, multi-actor networking and training and raising awareness
Disseminate the Med Food TTHubs project achievements and findings to all key actors in the field, and integrate their feedback to the specification, design, development and evaluation work
leader: AASTMT
Med Food Trace and Trust Hubs

The Med Food TTHubs project was able to plan and manage the required actions for the creation of the Hubs in the partners’ countries.

Τhe following actions were determined as the necessary forward steps:

  1. Identify representatives for the governing body of the Hubs. The representative should sign the (central) MoU for the creation of the Hubs.
  2. Sign the MoU between partners of the same country for the creation of the country’s Hub.
  3. Gather Letters of Support from stakeholders that will support the Hubs.
  4. Identify the functionalities of each country’s Hubs.
  5. Declare the nature of the Hub; physical, virtual or hybrid.
  6. Provide all relevant information about the Hubs for each country.




The Egyptian Hub is under preparation following the successful completion of projects’ activities.

The Greek Hub has been established as ‘Greek Trace and Trust Hub – One-stop-shop for traceability and authenticity in Greece’ through the signature of a dedicated MoU by all Greek partners.

The Italian partners are currently identifying the most effective pathways, following the developed roadmap, to establish their national Hub.




The Jordanian Hub is currently being prepared after the effective completion of project activities.

After the successful completion of project-related tasks, the Portuguese Hub is presently under consideration.

The Spanish Hub is set to be active within iApetito hub. The functionality of the Spanish Hub has been proven through the pilot testing phase.


Following the effective completion of project-related activities, the Tunisian Hub is currently being prepared.

All relevant steps and a comprehensive roadmap for the set-up and operation of national Med Food TTHubs are dully described in the business model development part of the projects’ outcomes.

Seven national Med Food TTHubs are deployed.



MED Food TTHubs e-platform along with its various modules and apps will fully support the operation of the 7 Trace & Trust Hubs.  The web-based platform will employ blockchain technology, which will ensure increased transparency and provision of trusted information.

On the platform, users will be able to share information across the whole food supply chain. On the basis of such information, nutritional profiles of Mediterranean food products will then be developed and further enhance the documentation of products’ traceability and authenticity. Through the Consumer App module, consumers from around the world will be able to access detailed and accurate product information from ground to mouth, by using TraceID or QR code.

The e-platform will also act as a common interface for the involved in the Mediterranean food-industry stakeholders. Implementation, monitoring and provision of Authentication and Quality Assurance Protocols and certifications concerning the entire product lifecycle will also be supported improving market and consumers’ confidence.

You can use the e-Platform and its modules at the following link.

The Med Food TTHubs Farm App is available on App Store and Google Play Store:

The IoT Module is also available on App Store and Google Play Store:

The Consumer App is found on App Store and Play Store as well.

Pilot Testing

Seven product cases with diverse characteristics and nutritional profiles have been selected to pilot test MED Food TTHubs approach in seven Mediterranean countries

These pilot case scenarios represent the real test field for designing and implementing the business processes for providing added-value services concerning the traceability and authenticity control through one-stop-shop units.

In a nutshell, the following pilot case scenarios were tested during the project.




The Egyptian Pilot tested the capability of the information to flow from one player to another one in a real supply chain where actors already collaborate. 

The selected supply chain was in the Agri-food sector for the French fries’ product.

The pilots were run by 11 entities and 10 individual players and all of the developed use cases have been tested and evaluated. The pilot players belong to several types of actors as follows: 5 producers (farmers), 4 food processors, 1 retailer and 1 logistic provider.

Τhe Italian Pilot tested the capability of the information to flow from one player to another in a real supply chain (SC) where actors already collaborate. The selected supply chain was in the horticultural sector. 2 real players were recruited located in South Italy.




The Jordanian pilot was focused on the date palm sector, specifically on marketing, exporting, and importing. The supply chain involved seven players from different categories, including farmers, farmer representatives, and AgriFood industries. 7 players from different categories, including farmers, farmer representatives, and AgriFood industries were recruited.

In Portugal, the participants were recruited having in mind a broad coverage of the supply chain in order to get insights on multiple stages of the supply chain. The participants profile were the following: Consumer, Researcher / Consultant and Producer / Policy Maker.

In Spain, a food product market has been simulated: iApetito market. This facilitates the creation of a controlled environment, wherein it is possible to test and validate the Consumer App under conditions that mimic real-world settings. This provided a better understanding of the app's actual performance and behaviour. 5 products selected were: Valencia Oranges, Table Grapes, Clementines, Kiwi Soreli and Adramyttini.


Tunisia pilot has focused on Testour pomegranates that hold great importance as they embody the cultural and historical heritage and traditions of the region. 14 pilot players were recruited.

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This project is part of the PRIMA programme supported by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation programme, under Grant Agreement No 1931

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