Here you can find interesting information about some relevant projects.
Optimal combination of non-thermal sanitization, preservation and stabilization methods
SHEALTHY aims to assess and develop an optimal combination of non-thermal sanitization, preservation and stabilization methods to improve the safety (inactivation of pathogens and spoilage microorganisms), while preserving the nutritional and organoleptic quality and prolonging the shelf-life of fresh and minimally processed F&V products. By engaging with multiple actors, it will:
- Develop, optimise and combine mild technologies to preserve freshness and improve safety and nutritional value of minimally processed F&V and juices and smoothies.
- Design and develop innovative BMs and novel logistics systems (including authenticity and traceability system) that will support traditional micro & SMEs to adopt novel technologies.
- Validate the resulting prototypes (both in terms of technologies and BMs) in local and regional food SMEs, including assessing their environmental impacts and economic feasibility.
- Transfer knowledge and tools to other regional and local food companies sharing the project benefits, results and best practices to increase competitiveness and jobs around EU.
SWITCHtoHEALTHY aims to generate a dietary behaviour change by demonstrating and reinforcing the role of the family in promoting a sustainable change towards enhancing the adherence to the Mediterranean dietary pattern of the family members (adults, adolescents, and children). This will be done by making available to families a combination of hands-on educational material and digital tools and complementing the dietary and lifestyle recommendations with easy-to-eat healthier snacking products.
In this approach, whereas digital interactive tools (SWITCHtoHEALTHY App) will be used by the parents to support them in preparing weekly healthier dietary plans for the main meals for them and their children, the educational material will be used to support families in acquiring healthier habits and to educate children and adolescents. Finally, healthy, and nutritious plant-based snacks will be introduced in the children dietary plans to complement it and to substitute less healthier options in-between meals.
Dietary behaviour change by demonstrating and reinforcing the role of the family
InoFA aspires to contribute to the maturation of the greek agri-food supply chain operations
The Internet of Food Alliance (InoFA) is a collaborative innovation cluster that brings together research and education institutions, the civil society and businesses across the agri-food supply chain in order to assist the implementation of state-of-the-art technological capabilities.
- Purpose of the initiative is meet the emanating challenges related to the circular agricultural economy, food traceability and the environmental footprint.
- The cluster seeks to optimize the process, distribution and storage of products through the digitization of information.
- By means of machine learning and artificial intelligence, insights will be provided to all parties involved regarding the movement and state of the food products flowing across the supply chain.
NextFOOD drives the crucial transition to more sustainable and competitive agri-food and forestry systems development by designing and implementing education and training systems to prepare budding or already practicing professionals with competencies to push the green shift in our rapidly changing society.
- Enhancing the co-creation of innovation and knowledge in agriculture, forestry and related bio-value chains.
- Developing an innovative European science and education roadmap for sustainable agriculture.
- Inducing a paradigm shift from a linear to a cyclical approach of learning.
A Collaborative and Action-Oriented Learning Model
MEDIFIT aims to enable traceability and authenticity control of traditional Mediterranean foods using latest analytical and software technologies.
The overarching objective of MEDIFIT is to enable traceability, authenticity control of traditional Mediterranean foods integrating innovative analytical methods and digital technologies. To accomplish that, the consortium will link Decision Support Systems (DSSs) to a cloud-based Distributed Data and Service Integration BackBone (DDSIBB) providing access to decentralized food integrity information repositories.
MEDIFIT will implement this IT-standards-driven solution for food integrity scenarios in two Mediterranean food chains: honey and cheese products by adopting a multi-actor approach from farm to fork. A key aspect of MEDIFIT will be to disseminate this platform to end-users, and organizing training courses for companies and stakeholders.
For more information, please visit the full project website.
Fish chain is particularly vulnerable to frauds, primarily to species substitution and mislabelling. Seafood products are harvested, processed, shipped, and marketed by wholesalers, to ultimately be sold or served to final consumers. Today, consumers look for healthier, fresh, and natural food.
- SUREFISH wants to tell consumers the story behind their seafood products, with final goal of valorising traditional Mediterranean fish, fostering the supply chain innovation and consumer confidence on Mediterranean fish products.
- SUREFISH will deploy innovative solutions to achieve unequivocal traceability, authenticity and preventing fish frauds. The technologies is based on Radio Frequency Indicators (RFID), Blockchain, Time Temperature Indicator (TTI) and tamper-proof technologies.
- Finally, SURFISH harmonizes and validates the pre-selected analytical methods and techniques for relevant fish frauds, and creates a trans-national laboratories network.
Project coordinator, Dr. Marco de la Feld,
Scientific coordinator, Prof. Rossella Di Monaco,
Valorising Traditional Mediterranean fish
SafeAgroBee aims to contribute to the adaptation and mitigation of the effects of climate change and other drivers negatively influencing the sustainability and the resilience of the agroecosystems in the Mediterranean basin, ensuring the income of farmers and food security.
SafeAgroBee contributes to adaptation and mitigation of the effects of climate change and other drivers negatively influencing the sustainability and the resilience of the agroecosystems in the Mediterranean basin, ensuring the income of farmers and food security. The project focuses on beekeeping and on pollination services provided by both Apis and non-Apis bees as important drivers in ruling food security, biodiversity, and human well-being.
- Examine the resilience of bee pollinators in a changing environment and their capacity to ensure pollination services and crop productivity.
- Investigate the adaptability of local bee populations and the application of optimal practices under climate change in order to ensure sustainable beekeeping
- Support the development of mitigation strategies ensuring the health of the bees and provide advice for the beekeepers
- Develop innovative monitoring tools and precision apiculture systems for advanced data acquisition
For more information, please visit the full project website.
Innovation and technology are recognised as a major driver for competitiveness and for long-run endogenous economic growth. However, most of Mediterranean regions are characterised by a high prevalence of micro enterprises, with difficulties to acquire the necessary skills to innovate and grow. MED-QUAD will address this challenge, aiming to nurture the innovation potential of the regions, by building up a cross- border cooperation scheme of the Quadruple Innovation Helix.
- Universities will improve their capacity to be and act as “civic universities”
- Two cross-border Living Labs will be established for an effective interaction between the main innovation players of the Quadruple Helix.
- A toolkit will be set up for enhancing the institutional capacities of businesses, cities and universities of both shores of the Mediterranean to work together and reinforce their role as “catalysts” for fair and inclusive development.
For more information, please visit the full project website.
MED-QUAD aims to nurture the innovation potential of the regions, by building up a cross-border cooperation scheme of the Quadruple Innovation Helix. The main actors are the universities that will improve their capacity as “civic universities” in cooperation with the cities to which they belong.