After having visited Greece, it was the time for our consortium to meet in Jordan for the 6th MED Food TTHubs’ project meeting. On the 7th of November, we were welcomed by our partners in charming Marriot Resort, on the shores of the Dead Sea!
On the first day, the consortium had the chance to explore the project’s progress over the last six months, hear all about the MED Food TTHubs e-platform updates, as well as discuss the pilot activities that will follow, the local TT Hubs establishment, the exploitation aspect of the project’s outputs and much more. A special mention was made to the most recent dissemination activities of the project. In particular, ESIM presented the awareness campaign run during the 6th edition of the Pomegranate Festival, aiming to inform about the effects of authenticity and traceability on pomegranate productivity and economic profitability at both the national and international level. Our Tunisian partners also provided an overview of the B2B meeting and the series of “Coffee Talks” that took place during the same Festival, focusing on pilot participants’ recruitment and explaining how the project supports traceability. In the evening, we celebrated the end of a very fruitful day with a delicious dinner at the restaurant of the Resort. The beautiful shoreline of Dead Sea and the sunset over the Marriot Resort offered the perfect scenario for an evening stroll.

On the next day, 8 November, once again a busy agenda for our partners to deliberated on how to mitigate potential risks with regard to the smooth implementation of their tasks until the end of the project. The concrete Action Plan that was developed provided the opportunity for fruitful discussions, yielding useful conclusions for our next steps.

On the second half of the morning, together with the Jordanian Stakeholder Community, we had the chance to observe how the e-platform functions and comprehend how it can benefit actors along the supply chain at a training session held by GP. Finally, contacts with representatives from the U-SOLVE and the EMPHASIS projects paved the way for further synergies for MED Food TTHubs.

We concluded our days in Jordan with meetings with local agri-food businesses and discussed with them on how they could use our results to their advantage, and a tour in the area, enjoying a breath-taking sunset over the Dead Sea skyline.
Thankful for the great hospitality, we left Jordan with a clear understanding of the steps we need to take during the last semester of our project and the motivation to improve and showcase the potential of MED Food TTHubs. Looking forward to the coming piloting phase!