The Ninth International Conference on Environmental Management, Engineering, Planning and Economics (CEMEPE 2022) and SECOTOX Conference were jointly held in Mykonos island, Greece. The event took place the 3-9 June 2022 and supported both face-to-face and virtual presentations.
And… MED Food TTHubs was there!
The diverse mix of participants set the stage for an event that stood out in terms of the opinions and knowledge shared. The conference encouraged the exchange of ideas and knowledge between diverse groups of the scientific community concerned by current issues in environmental science, engineering, and management. During the event, on behalf of MED Food TTHubs, Mr. Lefteris Melas presented a collaborative research paper with the support of the rest of CERTH’s team. The presentation was entitled “Environmental assessment on traceability and authenticity tools: A methodological approach to assess the environmental performance” and was part of a session dedicated to “Risk analysis and environmental impact assessment”.
The focus was put on the significance of the MED Food TTHubs e-platform in increasing sustainability of agri-food supply chains. During his speech, Mr. Melas highlighted that the e-platform was developed to increase traceability in food supply chains combining blockchain technology, food sensing (IoT) and species and origin authentication techniques. Besides that, a Life Cycle Analysis of frozen French Fries was also presented aiming to depict the existing hotspots in the current practices. Based on the MED Food TTHubs e-platform’s capabilities, different scenarios were proposed in order to improve the environmental performance of French Fries supply chain’s life cycle. Apparently, consumers’ preferences, systematic depiction of products’ handling and better connection between producers and retailers were spotted as the main drivers of sustainable agri-food supply chain development.

Check our presentation here.
You can find the program of the conference here.
Want to learn more? Visit the CEMEPE 2022 website here.