SUREFISH: Fostering Mediterranean fish ensuring traceability and authenticity

SUREFISH is an innovative project aiming at guaranteeing the traceability, authenticity and safety of the Mediterranean fish.  

The project has received fund from PRIMA (Partnership for Research and Innovation in the Mediterranean Area), an initiative supported and financed under the Horizon 2020.

Coordinated by ENCO S.r.l. and with the scientific support of UNINA, the whole consortium is made up by 12 partners from 5 Mediterranean countries, Italy, Spain, Tunisia, Egypt and Lebanon, gathering public and private organisations to perform collaborative R&D strategic for the interdisciplinary approach for fish sector innovation.

Started on 1 st March 2020, the mission of SUREFISH is to offer an integral IT solution that brings traceability and authenticity for Mediterranean Fish industry from the point of harvest to the point of consumption, increasing the consumers trust on the seafood products. In addition, SUREFISH harmonizes and validates related analytical methods and create a trans-national laboratories network in 36 months. All in all, the validation of the proposed innovative solutions will occur in 4 Pilot cases.


Time Temperature Indicators: it is are self-adhesive, is placed directly in an individual package or shipment and always be in sight. Monitors the temperature and indicates if the product is exposed above the chosen threshold temperature and for how long.

Blockchain: all agents involved in the process will share a ledger that is updated and validated instantaneously with the information.

Radio Frequency Indicators: placed on the packaging. Solution for tertiary packaging useful for fresh and frozen products.

The final goals of SUREFISH are:

  • Reduce the actual mislabelling rates
  • Reduce the percentage of frauds in the fishery sector.

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