The need for a face-to-face meeting has long been a topic of discussion in many consortium telcos, in order to facilitate the efficient design of project’s activities and operation plans at each country. And finally, after something more than two years of virtual meetings, Covid-19 restrictions, and all the hurdles that this reality entailed, the partners were given the chance to gather and reinforce their collaboration!
Once again, a busy agenda for our partners to cover the progress done in all work packages and provide the opportunity for fruitful discussions, yielding useful conclusions for our next steps. More specifically, during the meeting, the 10 consortium partners discussed the results of the past activities, presented their work, and deliberated on how to mitigate potential risks with regard to the smooth implementation of their tasks until the end of the project. The core findings discussed were related to the development of the e-platform and its core modules (WP4), from GP, about the design and development of pilot scenarios, from ESIM, CERTH, and UPM (WP6), and the training material that will be created, as well as on the animation and maintenance of the MED Food TTHubs Stakeholder Community, organized from TCA (WP5). The results will then feed into the preparation of the pilot participant, which falls under WP6.
From its side, JUST presented the work achieved so far concerning the regulatory framework analysis of PPP models (WP7), highlighting the concept of the 7 TT Hubs and stressing the importance of their effective establishment and operation. Moreover, AASTMT, as dissemination leader of the project (WP8), discussed the progress in communication activities.
The new dynamic that derives from the enhanced cooperation of the partners, offered a fresh perspective and a wider approach to the project while facilitating the better exploitation of the consortium’s potential. Besides the regular meeting, we had the opportunity to discuss various matters and enjoy a delicious meal during a social dinner, organised by our host CERTH. The pleasant and relaxing climate facilitated the communication and contributed substantially to the creation of robust links between the consortium’s members. The delicious food and the warm Greek atmosphere have offered the perfect setting to raise our glasses to these fruitful days and to the remaining 10 months of collaboration ahead!