While most cities around the world are still influenced by Covid-19, MED Food TTHubs’s consortium is working hard to taking the next steps for the development of the e-platform for traceability control. But until then, Focus Groups are organised in all countries to shed light on the traceability challenges in agro-food supply-chain.
In Tunisia, individual meetings with the local so-called Quadruple Helix Stakeholders took place earlier this semester, and now it was the time to gather them all together to discuss about the agro-food sector in the country! The MED Food TTHubs team in Tunisia invited leading experts, on an online event held on December 11th, 2020.
The Tunisian Focus Group reflects a good blend of different organisation types, stakeholders and expertise. More specifically, it is comprised of representatives of agricultural and industrial Governmental organisms (APIA, IRESA, AVFA), professional and technical centres (CTAA), Regional organisms (CRDA Beja, CRDA Siliana), NGOs, University and Researcher bodies (ESIM, ISBB, Agrifood Technopole of Bizerte), and Enterprises (SMSA).

The event was kicked-off with a presentation held by our local team on the MED Food TTHubs project, its consortium partners, as well as project’s main aim, objectives and expected results. Besides that, the presentation enabled a discussion on the importance of stakeholders’ participation in the project activities and the ways that their contribution will be efficiently affect project results.
During the second half of the event, a more interactive process was carried out. The open group discussion focused on the main challenges facing the local agro-food sector. The group also worked on a common roadmap for the pilot activities, highlighted the challenges that may encountered by end-users during the pilots and proposed possible ways to overcome potential problems, such as internet access and farmers’ digital skills, in order to foster the use of the MED Food TTHubs e-platform.

By the end of the event, both organisers and participants were extremely satisfied by the outcomes. Everyone enjoyed the Focus Group approach and participants left feeling that they will provide a valid contribution to MED Food TTHubs’ future activities.
The Tunisia Focus Group meeting was successful and provided a clear direction for the local activities that will be undertaken during the following months! Stay tuned and don’t miss all the upcoming updates!