MED food TTHubs pilots

Our pilot activities are running! Register and dive into MED Food TTHubs’s world!

Over the past months, we have been working round the clock to leverage cutting edge technologies such as blockchain and combine them with authentication processes to support full transparency in the agri-food sector. Now, we are ready to welcome you to participate in the pilot activities of MED Food TTHubs.

During the pilots, our entire service channel is free of charge and the only thing we are asking in return is feedback on how we could improve our platform. Simply put, this means that you can register and enjoy the MED Food TTHubs e-platform and its modules without any commitment. This ranges from requesting validation of the geographic origin of a product to monitoring full-path traceability through the whole distribution channel of the agro-food supply chain, from seed to shelf. While you do so, please keep an eye on our website or social media, as a series of training sessions will be held during the following period.

Want more reasons to register? Then, read on to see the benefits corresponding to you.


  • Get an overview of the activities per farm/field and calculate inputs’ cost (Farm App Module) 
  • Receive notifications for To-Do list and critical events (Farm App Module)
  • Monitor weather conditions, soil conditions and livestock status (IoT Module) 
  • Actuate irrigation systems remotely based on IoT data (IoT Module)
  • Keep informed the buyers for product availability (B2B app)
  • Receive feedback from consumers’ evaluations of products (Main Platform)


  • Get detailed information regarding the products and their traceability (Tracing Module)
  • Receive notifications for To-Do list and critical events (Tracing Module)
  • Monitor production and transport conditions (IoT Module) 
  • Document the authenticity of the offered products (DNA Profile App – Isotopic Profile App)
  • Document the quality of the received and offered products (Quality App)
  • Keep informed the buyers for product availability and farmers for products requests (B2B app)
  • Receive feedback from consumers’ evaluations of products (Main Platform)


  • Access detailed information regarding the products and their traceability (Tracing Module) 
  • Receive notifications for To-Do list and critical events (Tracing Module)
  • Monitor transport and storing conditions (IoT Module)
  • Document the authenticity of the received products (DNA Profile App – Isotopic Profile App)
  • Receive feedback from consumers’ evaluations of products (Main Platform)


  • Get detailed information regarding the products – Full Product Story (Consumer App)

Still not convinced? Then join our Stakeholder Community, to learn more on how you can benefit from coming onboard MED Food TTHubs.

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